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Centennial Pool - Port Elgin 

An analysis of patrons at Centennial Pool in Port Elgin, ON



* Port Elgin pool is a 25x12m pool

* Has an average of 30, 000 people go in and out of the facility every year

* As an employee, I like to see a well functioning pool with plenty of patrons

* Unfortunately there is a large decrease in swimmers for public swims

* I believe the decrease is due to a changing schedule

* But with the right information being placed in the right places, the number of patrons could dramatically increas



Outline where people are coming from to the pool, to decide where low areas of attendance are in the community. Then use information/advertisements to further inform the public.

* The main purpose of this project is to increase the number of patrons that attend the Centennial Pool

* The main way to increase pool attendance is to increase marketing and advertising

* By spreading information about the pool, in the right locations, more people would be likely to attend

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