Ethnicity in Toronto
An analysis of ethnic origins and income levels in Toronto
In this ISP, I analyzed 2006 census data of immigrant population and the income levels of homes in the Toronto area. I created 5 maps showing 5 different ethnicities and their income levels. After analyzing the maps there were very clear patterns occurring. The country of origin is directly related to the income levels of households. (ie Korean and Chinese vs African or Indian)
This information will enable government employees, immigration offices, and settlement services to the ethnicities that need the most assistance when attempting to start a new life in Canada. The maps have proved that the ethnicity of an immigrant is directly proportionate to the income levels they have achieved.
Obtain my data from Toronto census records
Add the shape files of average family income to a base map of the GTA to have a accurate visual representation of the data
Add the census data that shows the ethnic origin of immigrants as a shape file to the same maps (I used 5 ethnicities: Chinese, Japanese, Pakistani, Somalian, and Colombian)
Having these maps allowed me to analyze the patterns attached to the relationships of ethnic background and family income levels
Knowing this relationship allows me to make the best recommendations that will benefit the most people