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SDSS - Graduate Pathways

Tracking 428 Graduates over 4 Years

Wouldn't it be interesting to spatially track where graduates of Saugeen District Secondary School were going? The CGT3O/CGO4M class was asked to compile data and to classify it to create a visual map. Students worked in teams to track graduates from the past four years. Our main source were graduation slideshows where students had indicated their plans for the year following graduation. It is important to note that this data only represents graduates in the year after graduation and does not reflect true numbers of graduates attending post-secondary, working, etc. For example, many students return to school for a fifth year of classes (or co-op) and then head off to university, college, an apprenticeship, etc. The results provided some excellent discussion in class as we identified patterns and studied the data. For example, students thought that more of their peers were going into apprenticeships than what was reality. The end goal will be to flip this data into a story map for the school to use for decision-making, to educate parents, and to track patterns over time. For this project, students collected data in Survey 123. Students first decided what information was necessary and how to classify the data. It was then important to discuss data entry so that results (data output) would be similar on this group task. Students then cleaned up the data and began working on an informative poster individually or in pairs. The goal was to create a poster that could be displayed in the school for students, staff, parents, and guests to view. 

© 2024 Cory Munro @munrogeography

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